
熱門搜索:PM2.5顆粒物標準品,SRM 1648a城市顆粒物,SRM 1649B城市灰塵,SRM 2786大氣顆粒物,美國NIST標準品
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NIST SRM 1547 桃樹葉標準品儲存室溫

發布時間: 2023-12-05  點擊次數: 382次

NIST SRM 1547 桃樹葉標準品

英文名稱:Peach Leaves


Safety: SRM 1547 桃樹葉標準品 is intended for research use only.

Storage: The SRM should be stored in the dark at controlled room temperature (20 °C to 25 °C) in its originalunopened bottle, until required for use. The SRM should not be exposed to intense sources of radiation. The bottle canbe resealed and test portions removed and analyzed until the material reaches its expiration date.

Use: SRM 1547 桃樹葉標準品The contents of the bottle should be thoroughly mixed by rotating and/or rolling the bottle before each use. Allowthe contents to settle for one minute prior to opening to minimize the loss of fine particles. To relate analyticaldeterminations to the certified values in this certificate, the test portion mass indicated in the description of the NISTanalyses for each group of analytes (see “Source, Preparation, and Analysis" below and “Analytical Approach forDetermination of Elements" in Appendix B) should be used. Test portions should be taken by gently tapping materialneeded from the SRM bottle


儲存: SRM 1547 桃樹葉標準品應在受控室溫(20°C 至 25°C)的暗處儲存在未開封的原始瓶子中,直至需要使用。 SRM 不應暴露于強輻射源??梢灾匦旅芊馄孔硬⑷〕鰷y試部分并進行分析,直到材料達到其有效期。

使用:每次使用前,應通過旋轉和/或滾動瓶子來充分混合瓶子的內容物。打開前讓內容物靜置一分鐘,以盡量減少細顆粒的損失。要將分析測定與本證書中的認證值聯系起來,SRM 1547 桃樹葉標準品應使用 NIST 分析說明中針對每組分析物(請參閱下面的“來源、制備和分析")中指出的測試部分質量。測試部分應通過從 SRM 瓶中輕輕敲擊所需材料來獲取。本證書中的結果以干重為基礎報告;樣品需要使用推薦的技術之一進行干燥(參見“水分測定"),以將結果與本證書中的認證值進行比較。

東莞市百順生物科技有限公司是NIST的代理商,專業代理NIST SRM 1547 桃樹葉標準品。




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